Friday, July 24, 2009

People Flock at Panzonconi-Cuncolim to see what they believe could be an apparition of Jesus Christ

The quiet village of Panzorcoini Cuncolim Goa has been a hub of activities. Large groups of people old as well as youngsters have been queuing up in Panzorconi Cuncolim to have a glimpse of what they believed could be an apparition of Jesus Christ, but according to the church its not a appearance of Jesus Christ but some sort of space between two branches of a tree that resembles that of risen Jesus Christ. But that has not stopped the devout people from far and wide thronged to the area in thousands .
Actually its the empty space between the branches of the trees that resemble the shape of the Risen Jesus Christ, and when looked from a distance with the sky as the backdrop and the sun rays passing through the branches, does make a resemblance of the picture of the risen Jesus Christ draped in white cloth with rays (sun rays) emitting through this raised hands.

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